Top "Castle-dynamicproxy" questions

Castle DynamicProxy is a library for generating lightweight .NET proxies on the fly at runtime.

What really interceptors do with my c# class?

I was asked to implement castle dynamic proxy in my web application and i was going through couple …

c# class interceptor castle-dynamicproxy
Dynamic cast to generic type

Just a quickie before the weekend rolls in... I have a Method with the following signature, that I need to …

c# generics dynamic type-conversion castle-dynamicproxy
How use IInterceptor in Castle.DynamicProxy?

I wrote an example like this Simple Calculator class : public class Calculator { public int Add(int a, int b) { return …

c# interceptor castle-dynamicproxy dynamic-proxy interception
Intercept the call to an async method using DynamicProxy

Below is the code from the Intercept method on a custom type that implements IInterceptor of the Castle Dynamic Proxy …

c# reflection aop async-await castle-dynamicproxy
What are the differences between LinFu.DynamicProxy and Castle.DynamicProxy?

I am looking at adding logic to a library I am working on that would require the need for a …

.net castle-dynamicproxy linfu-dynamicproxy
Getting underlying type of a proxy object

I'm using Castle DynamicProxy and my ViewModels are a proxy, something like this: namespace MyApplication.ViewModels { public class MyViewModel : BaseViewModel, …

c# reflection proxy castle-dynamicproxy
Intercept async method that returns generic Task<> via DynamicProxy

My questions is related to this post Intercept the call to an async method using DynamicProxy I want to implement …

c# generics async-await castle-dynamicproxy
Castle Dynamic Proxy not intercepting method calls when invoked from within the class

I have run into a bit of (what I think is) strange behaviour when using Castle's Dynamic Proxy. With the …

c# castle-dynamicproxy dynamic-proxy