A common means for (un)related objects to communicate with each other.
When I make a new controller called TestController, I insert <UITableViewDelegate,UITableViewDataSource,UITextFieldDelegate,UISearchBarDelegate> to the interface of …
objective-c xcode cocoa-touch protocols compiler-warningsI have the delegate working as the data is being passed from the modal to the presenting view controller. But …
ios objective-c delegates protocols presentmodalviewcontrollerIt's nice that it tells that there is such a property that I have to synthesize, but is there any …
ios objective-c protocols synthesizeI'm comparing between IRC, XMPP and a third proprietary server I have. what are the pros and cons of each …
protocols xmpp chat social-networking ircI've researched and researched and still don't understand why shouldStartLoadWithRequest is never called. My page loads fine and some of …
ios methods protocols uiwebviewdelegateI have a category on NSDate and it would be convenient if it could implement a protocol I previously created. …
objective-c cocoa protocols categoriesHere is a generic question. I'm not in search of the best answer, I'd just like you to express your …
java c++ protocolsHow do I use the Comparable protocol in Swift? In the declaration it says I'd have to implement the three …
compare protocols swiftIs it possible to add protocol compliance to a different protocol by way of an extension? For instance we would …
swift protocols protocol-extension