Top "Protocols" questions

A common means for (un)related objects to communicate with each other.

Unsigned Int in Java

I'm trying to implement an existing network protocol which makes heavy use of Unsigned datatypes, which are not supported by …

java networking protocols unsigned
Using some protocol as a concrete type conforming to another protocol is not supported

I’m trying to mix generics with protocols and I’m getting a really hard time xD I have certain …

swift protocols
Defining categories for protocols in Objective-C?

In Objective-C, I can add methods to existing classes with a category, e.g. @interface NSString (MyCategory) - (BOOL) startsWith: (…

objective-c protocols categories
Auto-implement Swift protocol methods in Xcode

I just started with the swift language and coming from java it looks great so far. But I'm really missing …

ios xcode swift autocomplete protocols
MQTT what is the purpose or usage of Last Will Testament?

I'm surely missing something about how the whole MQTT protocol works, as I can't grasp the usage pattern of Last …

protocols mqtt
Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server

I need to establish PHP4 environment in conjunction with mysql5 and I am facing this problem when I try to …

php mysql authentication protocols php4
Generate Protobuf documentation?

Does anyone know of a good tool to generate Google Protobuf documentation using the .proto source files?

documentation protocols protocol-buffers documentation-generation
Weak' must not be applied to non-class-bound consider adding a protocol conformance that has a class bound

I'm a bit confused. What's the difference between protocol A : class { ... } and protocol A{ ... }, and which one we should use …

ios swift protocols
EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol) .NET Library

I have a I/O remote device (EIP-2017) with 8 analog inputs and it implements EtherNet/IP protocol for reading I/…

c# io protocols ethernet industrial
How can I access ink levels of printers programmatically?

Okay, this is a Windows specific question. I need to be able to access the ink levels of a printer …

printing protocols snmp