Do not use this tag like Prologue and Epilogue.
I have the following problem: prolog prog: man(thomas, 2010). man(leon, 2011). man(thomas, 2012). man(Man) :- once(man(Man, _). problem: ?…
variables prolog prolog-setofThis code is a part of the program that I am writing to solve a cryptarithmatic puzzle in prolog. I …
prolog sicstus-prolog clpfdI have this arbitrary function that I need to call many times with different variables. btw, this is SWI-Prolog perform(…
prolog declarativeThe 8-puzzle will be represented by a 3x3 list of lists positions where the empty box will be represented by …
prolog knowledge-management sliding-tile-puzzleThe user input is given in the format a:b>c>d>e... and so on. I …
prolog operators iso-prologI'm trying to make the simple graph coloring algorithm in Prolog, but I'm having a bit of a hard time …
algorithm prolog graph-theory graph-coloringI'm trying to do the Towers of Hanoi problem, what I have tried so far: move(1,[H|T],B,C,…
prolog towers-of-hanoiCould somebody explain me what does "!" do in Prolog ? I don't understand it. Here I have a code that counts …
list prolog prolog-cutI'm trying to learn Prolog following the tutorials on this site and I can't find a solution to an exercise (…
prolog crosswordI wrote the following simple code, and I expect that when I write 'male.', this code ask me once "…
prolog prolog-assert prolog-directive-dynamic