Top "Prolog" questions

Do not use this tag like Prologue and Epilogue.

Understanding Difference Lists

I'm trying to understand difference lists in Prolog, but I'm struggling to actually implement one properly, everytime I try to …

prolog difference-lists
Prolog support for Vim users

I am starting with Prolog programming using XSB. What syntax highlighting script or plugin for vim editor would you suggest …

vim prolog xsb
Prolog maze solving algorithm

I want to implement a maze solving algorithm in Prolog. Therefore i searched for some maze solving algorithms and found …

algorithm recursion prolog maze
Towers of Hanoi puzzle (prolog)

every one know the famous hanoi prolog and you can find it HERE and its great but when i write …

prolog towers-of-hanoi
Solving 8 puzzle with Best-First Search in Prolog

as the title says, I have to make a prolog progam that solves the 8 puzzle using best-first search, I'm new …

function search prolog heuristics sliding-tile-puzzle
Prolog implement and/2, or/2, nand/2, nor/2, xor/2

I want to implement the following predicates in prolog and use them for truth-tables: and/2, or/2, nand/2, nor/2, xor/2 Maybe …

prolog implementation xor clpb nor
Implementing "last" in Prolog

I am trying to get a feel for Prolog programming by going through Ulle Endriss' lecture notes. When my solution …

list prolog prolog-toplevel
Why hasn't logic programming caught on?

As time goes by, it appears more and more like functional programming is having more of an effect on other …

programming-languages prolog logic-programming
swipl: how to reload file

First I load the file with SWI-Prolog $ swipl then I modify the file and save. Now how do …

prolog swi-prolog
Tennis match scheduling

There are a limited number of players and a limited number of tennis courts. At each round, there can be …

algorithm prolog scheduling clpfd