Top "Presentmodalviewcontroller" questions

`presentModalViewController` is a `UIViewController` instance method that presents a modal view controller.

How can i add a navigation bar to presentModalViewController programmatically?

How can i add a navigation bar to presentModalViewController programmatically? I know default navigation bar will be there in pushViewController.. …

ios uitableview presentmodalviewcontroller
willRotateToInterfaceOrientation not being called from presented viewcontroller

I have uiviewcontroller on ipad with this configuration: shouldAutorotate (true) supportedInterfaceOrientations (UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll) and inside willRotateToInterfaceOrientation i perform some trick to …

ipad uiviewcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller screen-rotation
Presenting Modal View Controller From Xib

I would like to show a modal dialog from a xib. The code that shows my window is: self.vcSettings = [[…

ios modal-dialog xib presentmodalviewcontroller
Warning: Attempt to dismiss from view controller <UINavigationController: 0xb359a20> while a presentation or dismiss is in progress

In my Application what i'm doing is: rootViewController -> pushViewController -> pushViewController -> pushViewController -> presentModalViewController …

ios objective-c uinavigationcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller poptoviewcontroller
Using presentModalViewController with storyboards

I'm fairly new to iOS programming and I'm working on an iPad app that has a Tab Bar Controller with 4 …

ios objective-c authentication storyboard presentmodalviewcontroller
Present Modal View Controller from inside Popover View

So in my universal app I have a section where a person can look at an existing list of notes …

ios uipopovercontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
Why can’t UIImagePickerController be pushed into navigation stack?

When using pushViewController to push UIImagePickerController: [self.navigationController pushViewController:pvc animated:YES]; an error will occur such as: Pushing a …

ios uiimagepickercontroller pushviewcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
iPad presentViewController is always Fullscreen (need formSheet) iOS6

I need to present a viewController as a formSheet when the user taps a 'settings' button in the navigation bar …

ios xcode ipad storyboard presentmodalviewcontroller
PresentModalViewController in Storyboard programmatically iOS 5

I am using storyboards for FIRST time in my iOS app. I have 2 views in my Storyboard (A & B). …

ios5 uistoryboard presentmodalviewcontroller