Top "Presentmodalviewcontroller" questions

`presentModalViewController` is a `UIViewController` instance method that presents a modal view controller.

PresentModalViewController not showing navigation bar on next view

Hello I am using One tab bar button on toolbar , this button will show next view with table view ,Here …

iphone presentmodalviewcontroller
iOS: Dismissing and Presenting ModalViewController without access to its Parent ViewController

Background: I would like to dismiss a modalView that I have presented earlier and right away present the same viewController …

iphone ios ipad modalviewcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
Refreshing data in a UIViewController after dismissing its presented modal view controller via delegate

I have the delegate working as the data is being passed from the modal to the presenting view controller. But …

ios objective-c delegates protocols presentmodalviewcontroller
Presenting a modal controller without knowing the current view controller?

Is there a way to present a view controller modally without knowing what the visible view controller view is? Basically …

ios modal-dialog presentmodalviewcontroller
iPhone: How to do a presentModalViewController animation from left to right

I am presenting a model view with animation. As a default it comes from bottom to top. How can I …

ios modal-dialog modalviewcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
Application tried to present modally an active controller : UIImagePickerController

I'm struggle at this for 2 days and believe that this is the moment I should call for help. After I …

objective-c ios5 ios6 uiimagepickercontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
How to call method on presenting view controller from modal view controller

I have a modal view controller that I called in from another view controller. Upon dismissal of the modal view …

ios objective-c-blocks modalviewcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
IOS: open and close some view controllers

In my app I have the following configuration to open my view controllers: When I write "pushViewController" I use a …

ios xcode uiviewcontroller uinavigationcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
Create and Present modal view controller programmatically

I am trying to programmatically declare a modal view controller from a view controller launched using storyboard. I would expect …

ios uiviewcontroller modalviewcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
How to show modalviewcontroller above tabbar

I have tab bar and in view "A" and in "A" I have navigation controller. SO inside my navigation controller …

ios objective-c uitabbarcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller