Top "Postgresql-8.4" questions

This is for PostgreSQL questions specific to version 8.4.

Generating a UUID in Postgres for Insert statement?

My question is rather simple. I'm aware of the concept of a UUID and I want to generate one to …

postgresql uuid postgresql-8.4
Using psql to connect to PostgreSQL in SSL mode

I am trying to configure ssl certificate for PostgreSQL server. I have created a certificate file (server.crt) and key (…

postgresql ssl ssl-certificate postgresql-8.4
Split comma separated column data into additional columns

I have comma separated data in a column: Column ------- a,b,c,d I want to split the comma …

postgresql split delimiter postgresql-8.4
How to add "on delete cascade" constraints?

In PostgreSQL 8 is it possible to add ON DELETE CASCADES to the both foreign keys in the following table without …

postgresql constraints cascade cascading-deletes postgresql-8.4
How to get a status of a running query in postgresql database

I have a select query running very long. How will I get a status of that query, like how long …

postgresql postgresql-8.4
how to exclude null values in array_agg like in string_agg using postgres?

If I use array_agg to collect names, I get my names separated by commas, but in case there is …

sql postgresql postgresql-9.1 postgresql-8.4
Select today's (since midnight) timestamps only

I have a server with PostgreSQL 8.4 which is being rebooted every night at 01:00 (don't ask) and need to get a …

postgresql date datetime timestamp postgresql-8.4
Iterating over integer[] in PL/pgSQL

I am trying to loop through an integer array (integer[]) in a plpgsql function. Something like this: declare a integer[] = …

arrays postgresql loops plpgsql postgresql-8.4
currval has not yet been defined this session, how to get multi-session sequences?

My objective is to get a primary key field automatically inserted when inserting new row in the table. How to …

postgresql database-design auto-increment postgresql-8.4
How do I import modules or install extensions in Postgres 8.4?

I'm trying to import several modules that come bundled with 8.4.1 postgres, and all the commands to do so (such as …

postgresql import postgresql-8.4