Top "Pivot-table" questions

A "pivot table" is a method of summarizing data in tabular form.

Recreate Source Data from PivotTable Cache

I am trying to extract the source data from a PivotTable that uses a PivotTable cache and place it into …

excel vba pivot-table
How can I "unpivot" specific columns from a pandas DataFrame?

I have a pandas DataFrame, eg: x = DataFrame.from_dict({'farm' : ['A','B','A','B'], 'fruit':['apple','apple','pear','pear'], …

python pandas pivot-table
Where NOT in pivot table

In Laravel we can setup relationships like so: class User { public function items() { return $this->belongsToMany('Item'); } } Allowing us …

laravel laravel-4 pivot-table eloquent
Pandas NaN introduced by pivot_table

I have a table containing some countries and their KPI from the world-banks API. this looks like . As you can …

python pandas pivot pivot-table nan
Laravel: find if a pivot table record exists

I have two models which are joined by a pivot table, User and Task. I have a user_id and …

php laravel eloquent pivot-table
How to pivot? How to convert multiple rows into one row with multiple columns?

I have two tables which I want to combine. The first table is with clients and the other with products. …

mysql sql sql-server pivot-table
update pivot table in case of many to many relation laravel4

I have started working with Laravel4 recently. I am facing some problem while updating pivot table data, in case of …

many-to-many laravel pivot-table laravel-4 eloquent
How can I collapse a dataframe by some variables, taking mean across others

I need to summarize a data frame by some variables, ignoring the others. This is sometimes referred to as collapsing. …

r ggplot2 pivot-table
Simple cross-tabulation in pandas

I stumbled across pandas and it looks ideal for simple calculations that I'd like to do. I have a SAS …

python pandas dataframe pivot-table
Pivot Table-like Output in R?

I am writing a report that requires the generation of a number of pivot tables in Excel. I would like …

r pivot-table reshape