Top "Pivot-table" questions

A "pivot table" is a method of summarizing data in tabular form.

Locate excel 2007 Pivot table

Can someone tell me how I can find all the pivot tables in a workbook (or sheet)? In some cases …

excel pivot-table locate
Excel VBA PivotTable ShowDetails

I have a pivot table that contains a number of Expand/Collapse buttons related to Customer, Year, and Quarters all …

vba excel pivot-table drilldown
TypeError: pivot_table() got multiple values for keyword argument 'values'

I am using Python2.7. I am learning pandas and was implementing pivot_table. While implementing the example given in pivot_…

python pandas pivot-table
SUM function in Pivot Table Not Working

I have a pivot table on one sheet that is coming from a Microsoft Query MySQL datafeed on another one …

mysql sql excel pivot-table ms-query
Python Pandas: pivot only certain columns in the DataFrame while keeping others

I am trying to re-arrange a DataFrame that I automatically read in from a json using Pandas. I've searched but …

python pandas pivot-table
How is a Pandas crosstab different from a Pandas pivot_table?

Both the pandas.crosstab and the Pandas pivot table seem to provide the exact same functionality. Are there any differences?

pandas numpy scipy pivot-table crosstab
How to create a calculated field that references a cell value in an excel pivot table

I have my data that looks like the following: Col1 | Value A | 1 B | 1 A | 3 C | 7 and a pivot table that …

excel pivot-table calculated-field
correct way to create a pivot table in postgresql using CASE WHEN

I am trying to create a pivot table type view in postgresql and am nearly there! Here is the basic …

sql postgresql pivot pivot-table case-when
How to use two different functions within crosstab/pivot_table in pandas?

Using pandas, is it possible to compute a single cross-tabulation (or pivot table) containing values calculated from two different functions? …

python merge pandas pivot-table crosstab
melt / reshape in excel using VBA?

I'm currently adjusting to a new job where most of the work I share with colleagues is via MS Excel. …

r vba excel pivot-table reshape2