Top "Physics" questions

Refers to real-world physics.

Writing a faster Python physics simulator

I have been playing around with writing my own physics engine in Python as an exercise in physics and programming. …

python numpy physics scientific-computing verlet-integration
Generator of evenly spaced points in a circle in python

I am tasked with generating evenly (more or less) spaced points on concentric rings of an invisible circle. The function …

python generator physics geometry points
How to fix circle and rectangle overlap in collision response?

Since in the digital world a real collision almost never happens, we will always have a situation where the "colliding" …

java collision-detection physics collision game-physics
Are there any well known algorithms to count steps based on the accelerometer?

I'm implementing an accelerometer-based pedometer, and I was wondering if there was any known algorithms to handle that.

mobile physics accelerometer gyroscope
What's the best language for physics modeling?

I've been out of the modeling biz, so to speak, for a while now. When I was in college, most …

language-features simulation physics modeling
XNA 3d physics engine

I am looking for a 3D physics engine for XNA. I heard of some options, but what I need is: …

3d xna physics collision-detection
Breaking a concave polygon into convex ones

I'm using a game physics library (Box2D) which only supports convex polygon shapes. However, I'd like the level builder …

actionscript-3 physics polygon box2d
Python alternative to Java applet?

Is there an alternative to making educational Java applets for physics simulations like projectile motion, gravity, etc?

java python physics simulation
Detecting Acceleration in a car (iPhone Accelerometer)

I am working on an iPhone app where we are trying to calculate the acceleration of a moving car. Similar …

iphone objective-c physics accelerometer
Fresnel diffraction in two steps

I wrote a short matlab script file that is suppose to run Fresnel's propagation (diffraction), such that given a certain …

matlab physics propagation fresnel