Top "Phpredis" questions

A fast REDIS client library for PHP

How to install redis extension for php 7

Referred this link And done following steps PhpRedis for PHP 7 (Skip it …

php redis php-7 phpredis
Redis how to store associative array? Set or Hash or List?

I'm a bit confused with all the available storing options of Redis. I want to do something simple and I …

redis associative-array phpredis
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RedisException' with message 'Redis server went away'

One of my application suddenly started to give error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RedisException' with message 'Redis server went away' …

php redis phpredis
PHP Redis timeout, read error on connection?

"PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RedisException' with message 'read error on connection'" The driver here is phpredis $redis->blpop(…

php redis phpredis
How get all keys in redis using php redis?

I am using extension to access redis. I want to get all keys in redis …

php redis phpredis
How to delete multiple redis keys with the same pattern in PHP using phpredis?

By using phpredis, I have saved some data in pagination like this: review/itemA/1 review/itemA/2 where 1 and 2 are page …

php redis phpredis
phpredis errors Class Redis not found in Linux

I met a weied problem when installing phpredis by cd phpredis && ./configure && make && make …

php linux nginx redis phpredis
How can I fix "Error: Formulae found in multiple taps"?

I want to install php54-redis. Yu:nginx Yu$ brew install josegonzalez/php/php54-redis ==> Installing php54-redis from …

php macos homebrew phpredis
php-redis - Is there a way to store PHP object in Redis without serializing it?

I am trying to store user' request URL as the key and a PHP object corresponding to that key as …

php redis phpredis
phpredis extension doesn't work, unable to load ''

I installed nginx, php, php-fpm, php-pecl-redis by yum. All of them work but the last one. When I run /usr/…

redis php-extension phpredis