Top "Phpredis" questions

A fast REDIS client library for PHP

Redis cli delete multiple keys

I have installed Redis in centos and I have multiple keys of redis like this, Product:<id>:<…

redis stackexchange.redis phpredis redis-cli
Name or service not known [tcp://redis:6379]

i am having a problem setting up redis cache with laravel. i have a redis server runnig on my local …

php laravel-5 predis phpredis redis-cache
Installing phpredis on Ubuntu 14.04 for PHP 7.1

My php -v PHP (cli) (built: Mar 6 2018 11:51:39) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group Zend …

php redis ubuntu-14.04 phpredis
Installing php redis with igbinary, header file is not found

I'm trying to install the phpredis extension, but no luck. After running the command ./configure --enable-redis-igbinary, I've received the following …

php centos pecl phpredis igbinary
Why should I close or keep Redis connections open?

I'm using Redis in a PHP project. I use phpredis as a client. Sometimes, during long CLI-scripts, I experience PHP …

php redis segmentation-fault timeout phpredis
Composer requrie ext-redis

I'm trying to set phpredis extension as a requirement for my application. Here is my composer.json: "ext-redis": ">=2.2.7" A've …

php composer-php phpredis