How to delete multiple redis keys with the same pattern in PHP using phpredis?

RedGiant picture RedGiant · Aug 30, 2015 · Viewed 23.1k times · Source

By using phpredis, I have saved some data in pagination like this:


where 1 and 2 are page numbers. I read in the document that you can use wildcards to retrieve multiple keys.

$allKeys = $redis->keys('*');   // all keys will match this.
$keyWithUserPrefix = $redis->keys('user*');

But can I delete all the old keys using wildcards as well when someone has posted a new review? Can I do something like:

$redis->delete('review/itemA/*'); // or  $redis->delete('review/itemA*')

It didn't work however.


Itamar Haber picture Itamar Haber · Aug 30, 2015

No - Redis' DELlete does not accept wildcards, you have to name the keys explicitly. See here for possible directions: