Top "Phpexcel" questions

A PHP library to create, read, edit and write spreadsheet files for MS Excel and other spreadsheet programs

PHPExcel download using ajax call

App::import('Vendor', 'PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel'); $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle('ReceivedMessages'); header('Content-Type: application/vnd.…

php jquery ajax phpexcel
How to automatically read in calculated values with PHPExcel?

I have the following Excel file: I read it in by looping over every cell and getting the value with …

php phpexcel
PHPExcel - How to make part of the text bold

How do you create a bold cell value using PHPExcel? I know I can use \n to add a carriage …

php phpexcel
Is there a method in PHPExcel to write a PHP array directly into a row?

I understand that I'll need to write a loop inside which I use SetCellValue('cell_name', 'value'); but is there …

php phpexcel
PHPExcel Date Format

I am getting an output from MS SQL server in the '2012-08-09 00:00:00' (without quotes) format. However, when …

php phpexcel
Reading a XLSX sheet to feed a MySQL table using PHPExcel

I found the PHPExcel library brilliant to manipulate Excel files with PHP (read, write, and so on). But nowhere in …

mysql phpexcel
PHPExcel ZipArchive not found

I've just downloaded PHPExcel package and I tried to import an Excel spreadsheet, but all I get is an error …

php phpexcel
PHPExcel color to specific row

I am currently working with PHPExcel and I am trying to give 1 specific row a color, I have read Set …

php phpexcel
How to do the phpexcel Outside Border

I use the below code for All Borders $BStyle = array( 'borders' => array( 'allborders' => array( 'style' => PHPExcel_Style_…

php phpexcel
failed to delete buffer. No buffer to delete

I am trying to generate an excel file with the extension .xlsx from the code below. I am able to …

php codeigniter phpexcel