Top "Phpexcel" questions

A PHP library to create, read, edit and write spreadsheet files for MS Excel and other spreadsheet programs

How to export html table to excel using PHPExcel?

Because it is hard to deal with different standards among different browsers, I give up trying to export html table …

html export-to-excel phpexcel
Why am I getting an "invalid or unitialized Zip object" error when trying to read excel file via PHP?

I would like to find out how to read an excel file using via PHP. My specific use case is …

PHPExcel get column name relative to given column

Using PHPExcel, is it possible to get the name of a column located X number of columns to the left …

php phpexcel
How do I use PHPExcel to read data from an Excel file?

I want to read data from an Excel file in PHP so that I can process the data and insert …

php excel phpexcel phpexcelreader phpexcel-1.8.0
Convert HTML file to Excel using PHPExcel

I have required to convert html file (test.html) to excel in PHPExcel myhtml file text.html it is save …

php phpexcel phpexcelreader
phpexcel set data type on range of cells

With PHPExcel, I'm using: $workSheet->fromArray($array); To set my data. However, one column needs to be set as …

php phpexcel
PhpExcel - How insert the same row after row N?

I have php template. this is a empty table (T0 rows) with some footer at the bottom. From php i …

php phpexcel
Fatal error: 'break' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in Function.php

I am trying PHPExcel and I get an error in output when I perform my script: Fatal error: 'break' not …

php phpexcel
PhpSpreadsheet - get row without iterating on each cell

I'm using PhpSpreadsheet to easily read from a xls document and insert into a DB after some calculations. I succeeded …

phpexcel phpspreadsheet
How do I get a range of cells in PHPExcel?

I am using PHPExcel to read some data from an xls file. I want to get a couple of cells …

php phpexcel