Top "Phpspreadsheet" questions

PhpSpreadsheet is a library written in pure PHP and providing a set of classes that allow you to read from and to write to different spreadsheet file formats, like Excel and LibreOffice Calc.

Setting width of spreadsheet cell using PHPExcel

I'm trying to set the width of a cell in an Excel document generated with PHPExcel with: $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()…

php phpexcel phpspreadsheet
Merge Cell values with PHPExcel - PHP

I have a simple table like: - id - first_name - last_name - email - phone I'm using …

php phpexcel phpspreadsheet
Composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet doesn't work

I want to write a Script using the package Phpspreadsheet. I am not experience in php. I am trying to …

php excel phpspreadsheet
How to use PhpSpreadsheet without installation (like PHPExcel)

According to the PhpSpreadsheet Doc it's neccessary to install it with composer. In my case I just have a webspace …

php phpexcel phpspreadsheet
What are the main differences between PHPExcel and PhpSpreadsheet?

In project of PHPOffice there are two projects associated with spreadsheet file formats: PHPExcel PHPExcel is a library written in …

php phpexcel phpoffice phpspreadsheet
How to retrieve date from table cell using PhpSpreadsheet?

I have xlsx tables and I use PhpSpreadsheet to parse them. Some cells format is date. The problem is that …

php phpspreadsheet
Write data from array to sheet using phpspreadsheet library

How can I create excel sheet column headers from array using phpspreadsheet library? Below is the code I am trying …

php excel phpspreadsheet
PhpSpreadsheet - get row without iterating on each cell

I'm using PhpSpreadsheet to easily read from a xls document and insert into a DB after some calculations. I succeeded …

phpexcel phpspreadsheet
Class 'PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet' not found

I have used Composer to install phpoffice/phpspreadsheet. It was installed in a base 'vendor' directory. However where I am …

PhpSpreadsheet set background color of cell to white

Using PhpSpreadsheet, I want to set a white background to the excel cell. $cells = 'A1'; $spreadsheet ->getActiveSheet() …

php phpspreadsheet