Top "Phpexcel" questions

A PHP library to create, read, edit and write spreadsheet files for MS Excel and other spreadsheet programs

CSV Export/Import with PHPExcel

Could you please guide me or provide me with some sample codes for performing CSV export and import using the …

php mysql csv phpexcel
PHPExcel How to get only 1 cell value?

I would think that a getCell($X, $y) or getCellValue($X, $y) would be available for one to easily pick …

php phpexcel
Reading numbers as text format with PHPExcel

I have an array that can store numbers in such as 01, 01A, 01B, 02, 2, and When I get this value using …

php formatting phpexcel
How to open an Excel file with PHPExcel for both reading and writing?

I'm using the PHPExcel library, and I'm creating xls objects either for writing or for reading: PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile('file.…

php phpexcel
PHPExcel Column Loop

How can I do a loop which based on Excel worksheet columns? I found (and used) WorksheetIterator, RowIterator and CellIterator …

php phpexcel
How to set auto height in phpexcel?

I am using phpexcel to generate excel document with PHP. the question is, how to make auto height row using …

php phpexcel
Using PHPExcel to export to xlsx

I am using PHPEXxcel to export an HTML Table generated using MYSQL and its like this. <?php $query = "SELECT `…

php phpexcel
Merging cells in Excel by rows and columns together using PHPExcel

I need to merge cells in Excel (xlsx) by rows and again by columns using PHPExcel. I tried the following. $…

php excel-2007 phpexcel
PHPExcel_Writer_Exception with message "Could not close zip file php://output."

I'm using PHPExcel to export some data to user in an excel file. I would like the script to send …

php phpexcel ziparchive
Adding Image to the Excel in phpexcel in php

I am taking the example from phpexcel I just tried with passing value in GET Method, I am done with …

php phpexcel phpexcelreader