'Phonegap Build', an Adobe cloud service, allows you to upload your HTML, CSS, and Javascript to their build service and returns you your complete package.
I am using cordova / phonegap and need to know if a file exists Here's the code with the path and …
javascript cordova phonegap-buildI have been running through the Cordova tutorial for installation and creating a first app. After spending the last few …
cordova phonegap-build cordova-cliI currently have a project built with Angular that I'm deploying to the Phonegap Build service to create iOS and …
angularjs cordova phonegap-build angular-ui-routerI want to make the Release Build for iOS platform with the Distribution Certificate & Mobile Provisioning Profile. I want …
ios xcode cordova phonegap-buildI have an app in Google Play with package com.example001.androidand one app in the iOS store with the …
cordova phonegap-buildI am very new to mobile application development. Now I am into a mobile application project which should work on …
html cordova phonegap-build hybrid-mobile-app intel-xdkWhen I first launched my app, built using build.phonegap.com and then distributed to my Nexus 7 (running Jelly Bean 4.3), …
android cordova phonegap-build