Top "Phonegap-build" questions

'Phonegap Build', an Adobe cloud service, allows you to upload your HTML, CSS, and Javascript to their build service and returns you your complete package.

Cordova check if file in url exists

I am using cordova / phonegap and need to know if a file exists Here's the code with the path and …

javascript cordova phonegap-build
Cordova Build Error for Android

I have been running through the Cordova tutorial for installation and creating a first app. After spending the last few …

cordova phonegap-build cordova-cli
Using Angular UI-Router with Phonegap

I currently have a project built with Angular that I'm deploying to the Phonegap Build service to create iOS and …

angularjs cordova phonegap-build angular-ui-router
How to make release Build for iOS using Phonegap Command Line Tools ?

I want to make the Release Build for iOS platform with the Distribution Certificate & Mobile Provisioning Profile. I want …

ios xcode cordova phonegap-build
Change Widget ID or Package Name for android/iOS platform on phonegap?

I have an app in Google Play with package com.example001.androidand one app in the iOS store with the …

cordova phonegap-build
Doubts on Phonegap.js, Phonegap Build and Intel XDK

I am very new to mobile application development. Now I am into a mobile application project which should work on …

html cordova phonegap-build hybrid-mobile-app intel-xdk
Phonegap (Android Build) - Intermediate Screen before Splash Screen

When I first launched my app, built using and then distributed to my Nexus 7 (running Jelly Bean 4.3), …

android cordova phonegap-build