Top "Phonegap-build" questions

'Phonegap Build', an Adobe cloud service, allows you to upload your HTML, CSS, and Javascript to their build service and returns you your complete package.

ionic build android failure - Execution failed for task processDebugResources

I am using Mac Yosemite. Getting the following failure on running a build for android platform : FAILURE: Build failed with …

android cordova ionic-framework phonegap-build
How to create a directory and file in that directory using phonegap file api?

I am using phonegap file api to create a directory and create a file in the directory created. The directory …

javascript cordova ipad phonegap-build
Cordova build returns missing plugin.xml

When i build my cordova project i get an warning message as: Missing file: /home/vijay/workspace/Repos_temp/QuickTraq_…

android cordova phonegap-plugins phonegap-build cordova-plugins
PhoneGap Build iOS app has blank white screen after splash screen

I'm using PhoneGap Build 3.0, attempting to get rid of the blank white screen that appears after the splash screen. I've …

javascript ios phonegap-build
phonegap build permissions in android

I'm using phonegap build to create my app. Is there a way I can configure the permissions asked by android? …

android cordova phonegap-build
External links in phonegap app do not open well

So I have a phonegap project with Phonegap 2.9.0 and building with PhonegapBuild. I got external links in my app, that …

cordova phonegap-plugins phonegap-build inappbrowser
phonegap build not showing splashscreen

This question has been asked in the past but none of the answers that I have found have solved the …

android cordova splash-screen phonegap-build
Open url in webview - phonegap

I would like to know how can I open an url in the app context of embed webview. Currently this …

android cordova webview phonegap-plugins phonegap-build
Images not showing in PhoneGap Build application

I have recently decided to start using PhoneGap Build to create apps using web technologies. Please note that I'm using …

css html cordova phonegap-build
Phonegap build - Open external page in InAppBrowser or childbrowser with no toolbar and close it?

I want to open an external page in the InAppBrowser or childbrowser, where I don't show any toolbar and where …

childbrowser phonegap-build inappbrowser