I have an app in Google Play with package com.example001.android
and one app in the iOS store with the name com.example001.ios
However, I am now using the phonegap build, have removed a lot of the bootstrap code, leaving only the www
folder, I am using the widget id from config.xml
, so now I only have 1 config.xml
If I set the widget id
to com.example001.ios
I can't publish this app in android. If I leave the widget id
to com.example001.android
I can't publish this app in apple store.
If I change the widget ID to a generic one, say com.example001.mobile
, then I won't be able to upload the app to Google Play because the package name changes.
How do I set the package name/ID for each target platform?
Try this:
<widget id="com.company.app" android-packageName="com.company.androidapp" ios-CFBundleIdentifier="com.company.iosapp" version="1.0.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" xmlns:cdv="http://cordova.apache.org/ns/1.0">
P.S. android-packageName
& ios-CFBundleIdentifier
property are not properly documented but its works tested on latest(4.1.2) cordova.