External URL's don't open in the system's browser in my PhoneGap Android application. I'm using PhoneGap Build 2.3.0.
According to the Cordova documentation I used target '_system':
window.open('http://www.myurl.nl', '_system');
In my config.xml I have:
<plugin name="InAppBrowser" value="org.apache.cordova.InAppBrowser" />
<access origin="*" browserOnly="true" />
But still the links open in my apps webview.
How to solve this?
It's not the answer when you want to keep using PhoneGap Build, but I solved the problem by setting up a development environment for Cordova (PhoneGap) on my machine and compiling the app locally. In Cordova 2.5.0 window.open('http://www.myurl.nl', '_system');
works perfect, it will open the link in the system's browser.
So my advice is to stop using PhoneGap Build and start compiling your app locally. Here's how to set up your development environment for Cordova >>