Top "Intel-xdk" questions

The Intel® XDK development system enables software developers to develop, test, preview and deploy HTML5 web and hybrid apps.

How to alert input value

So I recently decided to try learning app development with Intel XDK, and as of now I know only little …

javascript html intel-xdk
Intel XDK: Connecting your mobile app to a database

I am currently developing an application which if I don't have a database, the application after building will be heavy. …

android html sqlite jquery-mobile intel-xdk
How to get selected value from a Flip Switch or Toggle Switch

<div class="table-thing with-label widget uib_w_114 d-margins" data-uib="app_framework/flip_switch" data-ver="1"> <label class="narrow-control …

javascript jquery html intel-xdk appframework
Different between phonegap and intel xdk or others

So, i just beginning to make hybrid mobile apps, and at first i'm going to learn phonegap but after reading …

cordova intel-xdk
OneSignal Get Player Id

I'm doing an app for a homework in my school and I'm using Onesignal REST API, but I want to …

javascript intel-xdk onesignal
How do I change the splash screen in the Intel XDK?

I am creating a HTML5 app using the Intel XDK and I want to change the splash screen from the …

html splash-screen intel-xdk
Content not scrollable in ionic

I am using ionic framework to make a simple application( you can search through itunes for tracks). However, when displaying …

html ionic-framework intel-xdk
Using XDK, how do I link to another page? Hyperlinks are disabled

Edit: so apparently adding class="button" make it work... Can someone provide a reference on what other classes are there? …

hyperlink intel-xdk
intel-xdk: how to delete projects builds created on cloud

I just started using intel XDK since a week. Its nice working with intel xdk. Its build version is build 0277. …

Vertical align 3 divs with inline-block

I can't make vertical align all 3 divs inside this li. I have tried inside a div too, but nothing. What …

html css intel-xdk