Top "Paypal-ipn" questions

Paypal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is PayPal's push notification service that sends a notification when a transaction is created or has a status change

IPN was not sent, and the handshake was not verified. Please review your information.

I am working with Expresscheckout on Paypal, For single time Users payment integration. Working flow 1st create token and user …

paypal paypal-ipn express-checkout
How do i get identity token in paypal sandbox?

I don`t know where is the identity token on paypal sandbox. is the identity token same like api number ?

paypal sandbox paypal-ipn paypal-sandbox
Not receiving a response from Paypal IPN Sandbox

I'm putting a paypal checkout onto my website but am falling down with the listener. For those of you who …

php paypal paypal-ipn paypal-sandbox
PayPal payments: Default to 'Pay with Credit Card' instead of loggin in with a PayPal Account

I have seen this done before so I know it's possible - when you redirect to a PayPal checkout from …

paypal paypal-ipn
PayPal IPN unique identifier

I always assumed that txn_id sent with IPN message is unique. PayPal guidelines seem to support this idea - …

paypal paypal-ipn
PayPal button sending custom variable through IPN

I have tried to go through the jungle (really, PayPal, why don't you weed it out...) for a few days …

button paypal paypal-ipn paypal-subscriptions
PayPal auto return does not send back any POST data

I have a similar problem to this post Setting PayPal return URL and making it auto return? However, the solution …

php paypal return paypal-ipn
PayPal IPN Bad Request 400 Error

Using the PayPal IPN, I keep getting an error 400. I have been making the script send me emails of $res …

php paypal paypal-ipn
Paypal IPN : notify_url not called

I'm testing a simple paypal paying script whisch works fine except that it's not calling my notify_url and I …

paypal paypal-ipn
paypal IPN returns pending_reason: unilateral

My PayPal IPN scripts runs very well. When I test with my sandbox account it, the payment is made instantly, …

paypal paypal-ipn