Top "Paypal-ipn" questions

Paypal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is PayPal's push notification service that sends a notification when a transaction is created or has a status change

Paypal IPN process more than one custom variable

So I've implemented paypal IPN in my site and I'm in the middle of the work process. Now I want …

paypal paypal-ipn
How to change order status when refund in magento?

I am working on Magento 1.7 version. I placed a order and make payment using Paypal and refund the amount offline. …

magento paypal magento-1.7 paypal-ipn
Paypal IPN Listener for ASP.NET MVC

There is quite a few code samples on PayPal GitHub showing how to implement IPN listener in various languages (php, …

c# .net paypal paypal-ipn
Send Paypal Recurring Payments commands with IPN Simulator

I am working with recurring payments (Express Checkout) and I have an IPN listener receiving messages. All is running fine …

paypal paypal-sandbox paypal-ipn recurring-billing
Paypal recurring payment ipn

I have a little question about recurring payments in paypal. Example: I start a recurring payment, 20$ for each month during 1 …

paypal payment paypal-ipn recurring
Paypal IPN override charset

i have a problem with this paypal IPN. I saw, a lot of people had. I try to pay as …

php utf-8 character-encoding paypal paypal-ipn
How to use Paypal adaptive payments with IPN?

I am using the adaptive payment system from Paypal. Using a sandbox account, I was able to make a PayRequest …

paypal paypal-ipn paypal-adaptive-payments
Change the IPN url on existing subscription

we plan to change the domain name for our service. Therefore we need to update the IPN-url for our existing …

paypal paypal-ipn paypal-subscriptions
Paypal IPN Status - Queued

I'm using paypal sandbox to do some test payments and they have all been coming though fine until today. I'm …

paypal paypal-ipn