Top "Passport.js" questions


Make a secure oauth API with passport.js and express.js (node.js)

I've got I think a specific problem, unless I'm not doing things in the right way. I've got an application …

node.js api express oauth passport.js
JWT Verify client-side?

I have a nodejs api with an angular frontend. The API is successfully using JWT with passport to secure it's …

node.js typescript jwt passport.js json-web-token
Do I implement serialize and deserialize NodesJS + Passport + RedisStore?

Do I implement Serialize and Deserialize? RedisStore is setup as my session store with Express. Does this mean that I …

node.js express redis passport.js
Nodejs Passport authenticate callback not being called

Using Nodejs Passport, I was testing out what happens when an error condition occurs using the following code: passport.use(…

node.js passport.js
Use multiple local strategies in PassportJS

I'm trying to use multiple LOCAL strategies with PassportJS. I'm not trying to use local, facebook, and gmail, etc. I …

node.js local passport.js
LDAP authentication using passport-ldapauth npm

I am trying to authenticate openLDAP username and password using passport-ldapauth npm. While executing the below code I am always …

node.js ldap passport.js openldap
Get request object in Passport strategy callback

So here is my configuration for passport-facebook strategy: passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({ clientID: ".....", clientSecret: ".....", callbackURL: "http://localhost:1337/register/facebook/callback", }, …

node.js passport.js passport-facebook
How can I use passportjs and reactjs together?

I have 3 views, (Home, signup, login)made in reactJs, I want to use passport in my project but I dont …

node.js reactjs passport.js
Passport-Local Mongoose - Change password?

I use Passport-Local Mongoose to encrypt the account's password. But I don't know how to change the password. Can you …

node.js mongoose passwords passport.js
persistent sessions with passport, mongodb and express

I'm using passport to handle authentication and sessions in my application. I'm persisting sessions to mongodb using mongostore. The setup …

node.js mongodb express passport.js