Top "Passport.js" questions


Renewing/Refreshing Express Session

In my app I restrict some access to some actions and pages if a user is not logged in. I …

node.js express session-cookies passport.js session-timeout
Passport-js How to create a custom strategy

I am looking to create my own strategy. I have client_id, client_secret and related meta data. I also …

javascript node.js authentication oauth-2.0 passport.js
Can you authenticate with Passport without redirecting?

I have the following working code to authenticate through the passport-local strategy:'/api/login', passport.authenticate('local-login', { …

node.js passport.js passport-local
Node.js and Passport Object has no method validPassword

I'm using Node.js + Express + Passport to create a simple authentication(local) and what I've reached so far that when …

node.js mongodb authentication passport.js
passport.initialize() middleware not in use for express 4.10 for custom callback

can anyone please help me with this. I keep getting Error: passport.initialize() middleware not in use when i try …

node.js express passport.js passport-local
how do I redirect back to the originally-requested url after authentication with passport-saml?

Sorry if this is a bonehead question, but I'm having some trouble understanding how I might redirect the client browser …

node.js express passport.js saml-2.0
NodeJS Passport

I setup passport on nodejs and have it working with mongoose for allowing users to login and create new accounts. …

node.js mongoose passport.js
How to pass an additional parameter to passport.authenticate

(I already do fbStrategy.passReqToCallback = true ) I am riffing off but want to use this …

node.js express passport.js middleware
NodeJs Passport isAuthenticated() returning false even after login

I'm new to Angular.js and trying to build local authentication for a website. I have gone through various sources …

angularjs node.js authentication passport.js
Redirecting client with NodeJS and Restify

I'm building a REST backend for an SPA with NodeJS, Restify and PassportJS for authentication. Everything's working except the last …

node.js restify passport.js