I have the following working code to authenticate through the passport-local strategy:
app.post('/api/login', passport.authenticate('local-login', {
successRedirect : '/api/login/success',
failureRedirect : '/api/login/error',
failureFlash : true
app.get('/api/login/error', function(req, res) {
res.send(401, {error: req.flash('loginMessage')});
app.get('/api/login/success', function(req, res) {
res.send(200, {user: req.user});
However, ideally I want to handle the errors and success messages from one express route, and not redirect to two extra routes.
Is this possible? I tried using a 'custom callback' but that seemed to error out on serializing users for some reason.
You can use custom callback, such as:
passport.authenticate('local', function (err, account) {
req.logIn(account, function() {
res.status(err ? 500 : 200).send(err ? err : account);
})(this.req, this.res, this.next);
In err object you can find all needed errors, which was appeared at authentication.