Top "Openldap" questions

OpenLDAP is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

Querying Windows Active Directory server using ldapsearch from command line

Can anyone let me know if querying Active Directory server using ldapsearch, ldapadd, ldapdelete, etc. utilities is possible or not?

active-directory ldap openldap
ldap_bind: Invalid Credentials (49)

I'm running OpenLDAP 2.4-28 on XUBUNTU 12.04. I'm reading "Mastering OpenLDAP" and configuring along with the book. When I try to …

Enter LDAP Password keeps saying ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)

I looked everywhere for a solution to my problem but still didn't find it. I have these two simple files …

configuration-files openldap
How do I clone an OpenLDAP database

I know this is more like a serverfault question than a stackoverflow question, but since serverfault isn't up yet, here …

linux ldap redhat openldap
Ldap error code 32

I'm trying to synchronize OpenLDAP and Active directory together. To do so I'm using a program called LSC-Project which is …

active-directory ldap synchronization openldap
Active Directory vs OpenLDAP

What are the main diffrences between these two implementations of LDAP protocol? Which is better for heterogenous environment? Any good …

active-directory comparison ldap openldap
ldapsearch with username and password

Here is my LDAP ORG Structure: I created user with first, last name with password. But it is not working …

ldap ubuntu-14.04 openldap
openldap "no global superior knowledge"

When I: ldapadd -f pop01.ldif -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=ldap,dc=beonegroup,dc=be" -w 1234 I get: adding …

Using php-ldap in Centos 6.3

I'm trying to build a LDAP interface using php but have run into this strange problem. I have installed the …

php centos openldap
Kerberos/SASSL/OpenLDAP : GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information ()

I'm setting up openLDAP with SASL authentification with kerberos. I got problem with this auth. First, I get the kerberos …

ldap kerberos openldap sasl gssapi