LDAP authentication using passport-ldapauth npm

user4324324 picture user4324324 · Jun 8, 2015 · Viewed 19.9k times · Source

I am trying to authenticate openLDAP username and password using passport-ldapauth npm. While executing the below code I am always getting error as { message: 'Missing credentials' }. Kindly help me what is wrong with my code.

var connect = require('connect'),
    app = connect(),
    passport = require('passport'),
    LdapStrategy = require('passport-ldapauth');

// Credentials from the free LDAP test server by forumsys
// More info at: http://www.forumsys.com/tutorials/integration-how-to/ldap/online-ldap-test-server/
var OPTS = {
    server: {
        url: 'ldap://<ip>',
        bindDn: '<admin username>',
        bindCredentials: '<admin password>',
        usernameField: "<passing actual username>",
        passwordField: "<password>"

passport.use(new LdapStrategy(OPTS));


app.use(connectRoute(function (router) {
        router.post('/login', function (req, res, next) {
            passport.authenticate('ldapauth', {session: false}, function (err, user, info) {
                if (err) {
                    return next(err); // will generate a 500 error
                // Generate a JSON response reflecting authentication status
                if (!user) {
                    return res.send({success: false, message: 'authentication failed'});
                return res.send({success: true, message: 'authentication succeeded'});
            })(req, res, next);


For more details, please see this badRequestMessage flash message for missing username/password (default: 'Missing credentials')


G Chen picture G Chen · Aug 26, 2015

Here is my configuration:

var passport = require('passport');
var LdapStrategy = require('passport-ldapauth').Strategy;

var OPTS = {
  server: {
    url: '<ldap server>',
    bindDn: '<admin username>',
    bindCredentials: '<admin password>',
    searchBase: '<base dn>',
    searchFilter: '(sAMAccountName={{username}})'

passport.use(new LdapStrategy(OPTS));


passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {
  done(null, user);

passport.deserializeUser(function(user, done) {
  done(null, user);

The usernameField and passwordField in OPTS are optional. My program is using the default value username and password. If the usernameField is set, you need to modify searchFilter as (sAMAccountName={{<usernameField value>}}) or (uid={{<usernameField value>}}).

Also, in order to store the login status in your session, express-session module is required. The session configuration is like:

var session = require('express-session');
  secret: 'ldap secret',
  resave: false,
  saveUninitialized: true,
  cookie : { httpOnly: true, maxAge: 2419200000 } /// maxAge in milliseconds

Then, you can use the LDAP authentication as:

app.post('/login', passport.authenticate('ldapauth', {
  successRedirect: '/users/profile', failureRedirect: '/login'