Top "Pass-by-reference" questions

Pass by reference is an argument marshalling strategy whereby a variable's location in memory is passed to a function, rather than a copy of the variable's value, although the function appears in the source code to receive the variable itself rather than a pointer to it.

How to access variable by id?

Possible Duplicate: Get object by id()? >>> var = 'I need to be accessed by id!' >>&…

python pointers reference pass-by-reference pass-by-value
What is useful about a reference-to-array parameter?

I recently found some code like this: typedef int TenInts[10]; void foo(TenInts &arr); What can you do in …

c++ arrays pass-by-reference
Why are objects automatically passed by reference?

I have a general question about deep- and shallow-copy in the context of the pass-by-reference- and pass-by-value-concept of C#: In …

c# clone pass-by-reference pass-by-value shallow-copy
What does the parameter type void*& mean and what's its use?

I'm looking through an API written in C++ and I'm confused as to what the following parameter type means: void*&…

c++ pass-by-reference void-pointers boinc
C++ Allocate dynamic array inside a function

so I need to allocate an array of int inside a function. The array is declared before calling the function (…

c++ vector pass-by-reference dynamic-memory-allocation function-definition
Julia function argument by reference

The docs say In Julia, all arguments to functions are passed by reference. so I was quite surprised to see …

reference pass-by-reference julia
C++ Call by reference

If I have a function which takes a pointer to an integer, and I pass a reference to an integer …

c++ function pass-by-reference pass-by-value pass-by-pointer
Why can't arrays be passed as function arguments?

Why can't you pass arrays as function arguments? I have been reading this C++ book that says 'you can't pass …

c++ arrays pointers pass-by-reference
Using ostream as a reference (C++)

I have a homework assignment where the header file is provided to us, and is unchangeable. Im having trouble figuring …

c++ pass-by-reference ostream
Function Overloading Based on Value vs. Const Reference

Does declaring something like the following void foo(int x) { std::cout << "foo(int)" << std::endl; } …

c++ pass-by-reference pass-by-value overloading