Top "Pass-by-reference" questions

Pass by reference is an argument marshalling strategy whereby a variable's location in memory is passed to a function, rather than a copy of the variable's value, although the function appears in the source code to receive the variable itself rather than a pointer to it.

STL containers with reference to objects

I know STL containers copy the objects. So say I have a list<SampleClass> l; each time when …

c++ stl reference pass-by-reference
How to pass a variable by value to an anonymous javascript function?

The Objective I want to dynamically assign event handlers to some divs on pages throughout a site. My Method Im …

javascript closures pass-by-reference anonymous-function pass-by-value
Java is NEVER pass-by-reference, right?...right?

Possible Duplicate: Is Java “pass-by-reference”? I found an unusual Java method today: private void addShortenedName(ArrayList<String> voiceSetList, …

java pass-by-reference pass-by-value
VBA Pass Array By Reference and Modify Contents

VBA question. I'm using it to make Solidworks macros, but that's not important. Can someone explain the syntax to pass …

arrays vba function pass-by-reference subroutine
pass by reference and value with pointers

I don't understand why passing a pointer to a function doesn't change the data being passed in. If the function …

c++ pass-by-reference parameter-passing pass-by-value
What's the difference between "var" and "out" parameters?

What's the difference between parameters declared with var and those declared with out? How does the compiler treat them differently (…

delphi parameters pass-by-reference
Variable p passed by reference before being initialized

I have a Human class with a function that takes any amount of people and determines if someone is older …

swift pass-by-reference
ref and out in C++/CLI

I know that the C++/CLI code void foo(Bar^% x); transforms into Void foo(ref Bar x); What is …

.net c++-cli pass-by-reference
Why isn't this object being passed by reference when assigning something else to it?

I know that in JS, objects are passed by reference, for example: function test(obj) { = 'new name'; } var …

javascript pass-by-reference
Pass by reference or pass by value?

When learning a new programming language, one of the possible roadblocks you might encounter is the question whether the language …

language-agnostic oop parameters pass-by-reference pass-by-value