Top "Package" questions

Package broadly refers to two things: 1) a usable unit/component of built/compiled software, or 2) a partition of the global namespace (Java).

How To Reduce Python Script Memory Usage

I have a very large python script, 200K, that I would like to use as little memory as possible. It …

python optimization module package organization
Don't include dependencies from packages.config file when creating NuGet package

I am using Nuget to create packages. I would like to create a package which does not contain any dependencies (…

dependencies package nuget nuget-package nuspec
difference between protected and package-private access modifiers in Java?

I have seen various articles on differences between the protected and package private modifiers. One thing I found contradictory between …

java package protected access-modifiers
Where does sdkman install packages?

I used sdkman to install groovy which went fine. Where is the installed package now? I need the path for …

package package-managers sdkman
How to use Go with a private GitLab repo

GitLab is a free, open-source way to host private .git repositories but it does not seem to work with Go. …

git go get package gitlab
How to automatically install Emacs packages by specifying a list of package names?

I am using package to manage my Emacs extensions. In order to synchronize my Emacs settings on different computers, I'd …

emacs installation package
Why should java package name be lowercase?

Actually this is completely theoretic question. But it's interesting why java specification don't allow uppercase characters letters in package and …

java package programming-languages naming-conventions
Error while running zipalign

I got this error when trying to export a signed apk in Eclipse Error while running zipalign: Unable to open …

android eclipse export package
Import and usage of different package files in protobuf?

I have imported an other proto which having different package name than mine. For usage of messages from other package, …

import package protocol-buffers proto
How to npm publish specific folder but as package root

I have a project that include a gulp task for building and packaging the sources and release in a directory …

npm package node-modules package.json