Top "Outlet" questions

Ember.js multiple, named outlet usage

I have an application, which will have a view layer organized in three parts: Sidebar Toolbar-left Toolbar-right I have spent …

ember.js outlet
Unable to make outlet connection to a constraint in IB

I am running XCode 5 with iOS 7. I need to dynamically change the height constraint of a UITextView prior to its …

ios interface-builder nslayoutconstraint outlet
Targeting named outlet via routerLink adds extraneous "/"

I'm trying to launch a modal in my app via routing. Everything seems to work except that an extra slash …

angular modal-dialog angular2-routing router outlet
How to increase UITextField height in iphone

I'm creating UITextField using Xib. That default height is 30. But I want to increase that text field height to 40. Here …

iphone uitextfield xib outlet
How do I add an action or outlet to a class in Xcode 4.3.1?

I'm following a slightly outdated the guide from (Become An Xcoder) to learn the basics of cocoa, but …

objective-c xcode class action outlet