Top "Out-of-memory" questions

An error or exception which is thrown when a program makes a request for memory that cannot be satisfied.

Python - How to gzip a large text file without MemoryError?

I use the following simple Python script to compress a large text file (say, 10GB) on an EC2 m3.large …

python out-of-memory gzip large-files
spark executor out of memory in join and reduceByKey

In spark2.0, I have two dataframes and I need to first join them and do a reduceByKey to aggregate the …

apache-spark out-of-memory executor executors
Sidekiq not deallocating memory after workers have finished

I have about six Sidekiq worker which perform JSON crawling. Dependent on the endpoint's dataset size they finish between 1min …

ruby memory-management memory-leaks out-of-memory sidekiq
Spark 2.0 memory fraction

I am working with Spark 2.0, the job starts by sorting the input data and storing its output on HDFS. I …

memory apache-spark out-of-memory distributed-computing apache-spark-2.0
How to do thread dump on Out Of Memory Error

I know that -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError will enable heap dump on OutOfMemoryError. Is there anything similar for thread dump? I need …

java jvm out-of-memory sun
How to detect Out Of Memory condition?

I have an application running on Websphere Application Server 6.0 and it crashes nearly every day because of Out-Of-Memory. From verbose …

java memory-leaks websphere out-of-memory
Understanding php "Out of memory" error

I can find lots of tutorials on how to overcome the out-of-memory error. The solution is: To increase the memory …

php out-of-memory
google maps api v2 out of memory error

i have a huge memory problem in my app. i am using google map api v2 with ClusterManager and custom …

android bitmap out-of-memory google-maps-android-api-2 markerclusterer
Does a replacement for Gallery widget with View recycling exist?

The default Gallery widget on Android does not recycle views - everytime the view for a new position is called …

android view gallery out-of-memory recycle
Android app OOM (Out Of Memory) adjustment priorities for processes

I am developing an Android Launcher (Home screen replacement) application and running into the launcher getting killed in low-memory situations. …

android out-of-memory scheduler launcher