An error or exception which is thrown when a program makes a request for memory that cannot be satisfied.
Is it a good practice to catch OutOfMemoryError even you have tried some ways to reduce memory usage? Or should …
android bitmap out-of-memoryI am using XSSF of apache-POI to read the XLSX file. I was getting an error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java …
java out-of-memory xlsxI got this error: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Compressed class space" and until I'll figure out what's the trigger, I tried …
java memory-leaks java-8 out-of-memory metaspaceMy java server started to crash repeatedly, and I can't find why. I have server with 7.5GB memory and I …
java crash jvm out-of-memory jvm-crashWe are working on a business application (1 million+ LOC) developed since 10+ years. While switching to JDK8 we get an issue …
java jaxb java-8 out-of-memory java-metro-frameworkLike: startActivity(intent); finish(); Without calling finish() explicitly, onDestroy() is not called for the former Activity, and I run out …
android android-intent out-of-memory activity-finishIn Android, how do you display an image (of any size) from the SD card, without getting an out of …
android bitmap mediastore out-of-memoryI'm trying to write a light-weight image viewing application. However, there are system memory limitations with .NET. When trying to …
c# bitmap gdi out-of-memoryI have read 100s of article about the OOM problem. Most are in regard to large bitmaps. I am doing …
android memory bitmap out-of-memory bitmapfactoryI have tomcat web app on VPS and the tomcat sometimes (about once a month) crashes with the following error …
java tomcat7 out-of-memory jvm-crash