Top "Out-of-memory" questions

An error or exception which is thrown when a program makes a request for memory that cannot be satisfied.

Java Heap Space error in glassfish

I am using a fresh Glassfish install with very little customizations. I have a Message Driven Bean (ObjectUpdateMDB) that listens …

java glassfish application-server out-of-memory jboss-mdb
Picasso: out of memory

I have a RecyclerView presenting several images using Picasso. After scrolling some time up and down the application runs out …

android out-of-memory picasso
Java Out of memory automatic heap dump file name

I have several Java processes and I am trying to manage the heap dumps created when OOM error occur. When …

java jvm out-of-memory heap-dump
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts

I've been doing a lot of searching and I know a lot of other people are experiencing the same OOM …

android out-of-memory android-bitmap
Error While Reading Large Excel Files (xlsx) Via Apache POI

I am trying to read large excel files xlsx via Apache POI, say 40-50 MB. I am getting out of …

java apache-poi out-of-memory xlsx
Guidelines to set MetaspaceSize - java 8

What is the default value of MetaspaceSize for 64-bit servers? I couldn't find it in the official documentation. I'm observing …

java memory-leaks java-8 out-of-memory metaspace
malloc behaviour on an embedded system

I'm currently working on an embedded project (STM32F103RB, CooCox CoIDE v.1.7.6 with arm-none-eabi-gcc 4.8 2013q4) and I'm trying to …

c memory-management malloc out-of-memory stm32
Python: make a list generator JSON serializable

How can I concat a list of JSON files into a huge JSON array? I've 5000 files and 550 000 list items. My …

python json out-of-memory generator
Jenkins - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space -

Environment: Linux/Windows7, Java or 1.7 I downloaded jenkins.war and after the initial setup using the following script/command, I …

jenkins runtime-error out-of-memory space java-opts
Robomongo : Exceeded memory limit for $group

I`m using a script to remove duplicates on mongo, it worked in a collection with 10 items that I used …

mongodb duplicates out-of-memory