Understanding php "Out of memory" error

Dennis G picture Dennis G · Feb 25, 2011 · Viewed 9.9k times · Source

I can find lots of tutorials on how to overcome the out-of-memory error. The solution is: To increase the memory in the php.ini or in the .htaccess - what a surprise...

I actually don't understand the error message:

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 32016932) (tried to allocate 25152 bytes)

"Allocated 32016932", means 32MB have been allocated as in - the PHP script is using 32MB? Tried to allocate 25152, means that another 25KB were tried to be allocated, but the script failed as the maximum (of ~ 32MB?) has been reached?

What can I actually tell from this error message, besides that I'm "out of memory"?


Hannes picture Hannes · Feb 25, 2011

I Always interpreted it like:

Fatal error: Out of memory ([currently] allocated 32016932) (tried to allocate [additional] 25152 bytes)

But good Question if there is a bulletproof explanation.