Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a technique for mapping object-oriented systems to relational databases.
When using Sequelize.js, the following code doesn't add any foreign key on tables. var MainDashboard = sequelize.define('main_dashboard', { …
mysql node.js orm sequelize.jsIs there a way to define a column (primary key) as a UUID in SQLAlchemy if using PostgreSQL (Postgres)?
python postgresql orm sqlalchemy uuidIf i'm using the findBy method of the respository class, how can I limit the size of the result set?
php orm doctrine-ormI'm creating a decimal field to hold a financial figure in Doctrine2 for my Symfony2 application. Currently, it looks like …
database symfony orm types doctrine-ormI have a query like below select f.id, s.name, ss.name from first f left join second s …
java hibernate orm native-sql resulttransformerI am trying to figure out what the difference is between ORM and ODM, as far as I understand the …
database orm odmIs there any way to specify optional parameters (such as when search parameters are provided from a form and not …
java hibernate orm hql named-query