Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a technique for mapping object-oriented systems to relational databases.
What is the difference between fetch="EAGER" and fetch="LAZY" in annotation @ManyToOne in Doctrine ? /** * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Cart", cascade={"all"}, …
orm doctrine-orm many-to-manyWhen writing django queries one can use both id/pk as query parameters. Object.objects.get(id=1) Object.objects.get(…
django orm primary-keyI'm getting to grips with EF4 code first, and liking it so far. But I'm having trouble mapping an entity …
entity-framework orm composite-keyIs it possible to filter a Django queryset by model property? i have a method in my model: @property def …
python django ormIs there a way to specify using JPA that there should be multiple unique constraints on different sets of columns? @…
java hibernate jpa orm datanucleusIf you are motivate to the "pros" of an ORM and why would you use an ORM to management/client, …
database orm