Top "Native-sql" questions

Difference between query, native query, named query and typed query

What are the differences between a query, a native query, a named query and a typed query? Does the 'alone-standing' …

sql hibernate jpa native-sql
getting result set into DTO with native SQL Query in Hibernate

I have a query like below select,, from first f left join second s …

java hibernate orm native-sql resulttransformer
Hibernate Native SQL Query retrieving entities and collections

This is my situation, I have two basic POJO's which I've given a simple hibernate mapping : Person - PersonId - …

java hibernate native-sql
Retrieving a value from Stored Procedure using Native SQL Hibernate

Below is the stored procedure: create or replace procedure proc_emp_name(v_emp out emp.emp_name%TYPE, v_…

java hibernate orm hibernate-mapping native-sql
How to configure default database schema for native queries in pure JPA?

Our situation is as follows: We use (mustly pure) JPA for persistence in our enterprise application. Due to performance reasons, …

java oracle hibernate jpa native-sql
QueryDSL joins and subqueries with native SQL

I use Spring Data and QueryDSL 3.2.4 and I want to implement the following SQL query with QueryDSLs native SQL API: …

java spring-data querydsl native-sql
Native SQL query for an Hibernate entity using @Formula results in NullPointerException

I've got an simple Hibernate entity for which I use the @Formula annotion: @Id private Long id; private String name; @…

hibernate formula native-sql
JPA Map Fields to Object without Creating Table in DB

I am using JPA, JSF, Spring. I sometimes have native SQLs which I have to use. They are usually joined …

hibernate jpa mapping native-sql
Retrieve data from sqlserver in using entity framework and native sql

I want to retrieve data in Winforms using, entity framework and native sql. I have used the code … winforms entity-framework-4 native-sql
Spring Data Native query pagination not working

I am using Spring Boot 2.0.2.RELEASE with Spring Data JPA. I am trying to do implement pagination with native query …

java mysql spring-boot spring-data native-sql