QueryDSL joins and subqueries with native SQL

M. Lindenmann picture M. Lindenmann · Oct 30, 2013 · Viewed 11.9k times · Source

I use Spring Data and QueryDSL 3.2.4 and I want to implement the following SQL query with QueryDSLs native SQL API:

WITH ORDER_GROUP AS (   -- TODO have to merge this subquery into the main query
       ,count(ID) AS nofOrdersPerGroup 
       ,MIN(priority) as minPriority
       ,MIN(requesteddeliverytime) as minRequestedDeliveryTime
       ,MIN(creationtime) as minCreationTime
     group by orderGroup      
ALL_ORDERS AS (   -- TODO have to merge this subquery into the main query
    SELECT h.ordercode
      , h.ordergroup
      , h.priority
      , h.requesteddeliverytime
      , h.creationtime
      , h.statecode
           FROM orderposition p
          WHERE p.orderheaderid = h.ID
        ) AS nof_positions_per_order
      , CASE
            WHEN h.ordergroup IS NOT NULL
            THEN g.nofOrdersPerGroup
            ELSE 1
        END AS nof_orders_per_group
      , CASE
            WHEN h.ordergroup IS NOT NULL
            THEN g.minPriority
            ELSE h.priority
        END AS most_important_prio
      , CASE
            WHEN h.ordergroup IS NOT NULL
            THEN g.minRequestedDeliveryTime
            ELSE h.requesteddeliverytime
        END AS earliest_del_time
      , CASE
            WHEN h.ordergroup IS NOT NULL
            THEN g.minCreationTime
            ELSE h.creationtime
        END AS earliest_cre_time
       FROM ORDERHEADER h left outer join ORDER_GROUP g on h.ordergroup = g.ordergroup
      WHERE 1=1  -- TODO have to add filter clauses here
 SELECT ordercode
  , ordergroup
  , priority
  , requesteddeliverytime
  , creationtime
  , statecode
  , nof_positions_per_order
  , nof_orders_per_group
  , most_important_prio
  , earliest_del_time
  , earliest_cre_time
ORDER BY most_important_prio
  , earliest_del_time
  , earliest_cre_time
  , priority
  , requesteddeliverytime
  , creationtime;

The join is not on a FK column but on some arbitrary attribute of the subquery ORDER_GROUP. This subquery aggregates some min / max valuse on on OrderHeader for later use in sorting.

The query types are:

package com.stoecklin.wms.entity;

import static com.mysema.query.types.PathMetadataFactory.*;

import com.mysema.query.types.path.*;

import com.mysema.query.types.PathMetadata;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import com.mysema.query.types.Path;
import com.mysema.query.types.path.PathInits;

 * QOrderHeader is a Querydsl query type for OrderHeader
public class QOrderHeader extends EntityPathBase<OrderHeader> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2006939562;
    public static final QOrderHeader orderHeader = new QOrderHeader("orderHeader");
    public final com.stoecklin.utility.database.QBaseEntity _super = new com.stoecklin.utility.database.QBaseEntity(this);
    public final DateTimePath<java.util.Date> actualDeliveryTime = createDateTime("actualDeliveryTime", java.util.Date.class);
    public final StringPath creationMode = createString("creationMode");
    public final DateTimePath<java.util.Date> creationTime = _super.creationTime;
    public final StringPath customerCode = createString("customerCode");
    public final StringPath customerOrderCode = createString("customerOrderCode");
    public final StringPath deliveryCode = createString("deliveryCode");
    public final StringPath deliveryNote = createString("deliveryNote");
    public final StringPath headerText = createString("headerText");
    public final NumberPath<Integer> hostId = createNumber("hostId", Integer.class);
    public final NumberPath<Long> id = createNumber("id", Long.class);
    public final DateTimePath<java.util.Date> lastUpdateTime = _super.lastUpdateTime;
    public final StringPath orderCode = createString("orderCode");
    public final StringPath orderGroup = createString("orderGroup");
    public final ListPath<OrderPosition, QOrderPosition> orderPositions = this.<OrderPosition, QOrderPosition>createList("orderPositions", OrderPosition.class, QOrderPosition.class, PathInits.DIRECT2);
    public final StringPath orderTypeCode = createString("orderTypeCode");
    public final StringPath priority = createString("priority");
    public final DateTimePath<java.util.Date> requestedDeliveryTime = createDateTime("requestedDeliveryTime", java.util.Date.class);
    public final StringPath setupType = createString("setupType");
    public final StringPath shippingMode = createString("shippingMode");
    public final StringPath stagingArea = createString("stagingArea");
    public final EnumPath<com.stoecklin.wms.enums.OrderHeaderState> stateCode = createEnum("stateCode", com.stoecklin.wms.enums.OrderHeaderState.class);
    public final StringPath stateReason = createString("stateReason");
    public final DateTimePath<java.util.Date> stateTime = createDateTime("stateTime", java.util.Date.class);
    public final NumberPath<Long> version = _super.version;

    public QOrderHeader(String variable) {
        super(OrderHeader.class, forVariable(variable));

    public QOrderHeader(Path<? extends OrderHeader> path) {
        super(path.getType(), path.getMetadata());

    public QOrderHeader(PathMetadata<?> metadata) {
        super(OrderHeader.class, metadata);



package com.stoecklin.wms.entity;

import static com.mysema.query.types.PathMetadataFactory.*;

import com.mysema.query.types.path.*;

import com.mysema.query.types.PathMetadata;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import com.mysema.query.types.Path;
import com.mysema.query.types.path.PathInits;

 * QOrderPosition is a Querydsl query type for OrderPosition
public class QOrderPosition extends EntityPathBase<OrderPosition> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2091670278;
    private static final PathInits INITS = PathInits.DIRECT2;
    public static final QOrderPosition orderPosition = new QOrderPosition("orderPosition");
    public final com.stoecklin.utility.database.QBaseEntity _super = new com.stoecklin.utility.database.QBaseEntity(this);
    public final StringPath articleCode = createString("articleCode");
    public final DateTimePath<java.util.Date> creationTime = _super.creationTime;
    public final NumberPath<Integer> customerOrderPos = createNumber("customerOrderPos", Integer.class);
    public final NumberPath<Float> deliveredQuantity = createNumber("deliveredQuantity", Float.class);
    public final StringPath fromWarehouseCode = createString("fromWarehouseCode");
    public final StringPath hostData = createString("hostData");
    public final StringPath hostRef = createString("hostRef");
    public final NumberPath<Long> id = createNumber("id", Long.class);
    public final DateTimePath<java.util.Date> lastUpdateTime = _super.lastUpdateTime;
    public final StringPath lotCode = createString("lotCode");
    public final NumberPath<Float> missingQuantity = createNumber("missingQuantity", Float.class);
    public final QOrderHeader orderHeader;
    public final NumberPath<Integer> orderPos = createNumber("orderPos", Integer.class);
    public final StringPath ownerCode = createString("ownerCode");
    public final StringPath posText = createString("posText");
    public final NumberPath<Float> requestedQuantity = createNumber("requestedQuantity", Float.class);
    public final EnumPath<com.stoecklin.wms.enums.OrderPositionState> stateCode = createEnum("stateCode", com.stoecklin.wms.enums.OrderPositionState.class);
    public final StringPath stateReason = createString("stateReason");
    public final DateTimePath<java.util.Date> stateTime = createDateTime("stateTime", java.util.Date.class);
    public final StringPath toBePicked = createString("toBePicked");
    public final StringPath toLocation = createString("toLocation");
    public final NumberPath<Long> version = _super.version;

    public QOrderPosition(String variable) {
        this(OrderPosition.class, forVariable(variable), INITS);

    public QOrderPosition(Path<? extends OrderPosition> path) {
        this(path.getType(), path.getMetadata(), path.getMetadata().isRoot() ? INITS : PathInits.DEFAULT);

    public QOrderPosition(PathMetadata<?> metadata) {
        this(metadata, metadata.isRoot() ? INITS : PathInits.DEFAULT);

    public QOrderPosition(PathMetadata<?> metadata, PathInits inits) {
        this(OrderPosition.class, metadata, inits);

    public QOrderPosition(Class<? extends OrderPosition> type, PathMetadata<?> metadata, PathInits inits) {
        super(type, metadata, inits);
        this.orderHeader = inits.isInitialized("orderHeader") ? new QOrderHeader(forProperty("orderHeader")) : null;


Now the questions:

  1. How do I have to do the join at the bottom of the ALL_ORDERS subquery? I already tried the following:

    QOrderHeader orderHeader = QOrderHeader.orderHeader;
    QOrderHeader orderHeaderGroup = new QOrderHeader("orderHeaderGroup");
    QOrderPosition orderPosition = QOrderPosition.orderPosition;
    List<Tuple> tuples = query.from(orderHeader)
            .leftJoin(orderHeader, orderHeaderGroup).on(orderHeader.orderGroup.eq(orderHeaderGroup.orderGroup))

but this even won't compile because there is no matching method leftJoin available. The join is not on a FK column but on some arbitrary attribute. The subquery ORDER_GROUP

  1. How is the correlated subquery implemented which computes the nof_orders_per_group (7th item in SELECT list)? (I have no clue how tho do this :-))

The SQL shown on the top is somewhat optimized for efficiency. For that reason I decided to use native SQL because we have subqueries all around.

Any help is appreciated.


Timo Westk&#228;mper picture Timo Westkämper · Oct 31, 2013

If you want to use Querydsl with SQL then you need to create the metamodel in a different way, which is described here http://www.querydsl.com/static/querydsl/3.2.4/reference/html/ch02s03.html

And to your more specific questions:

1) FROM ORDERHEADER h left outer join ORDER_GROUP g on h.ordergroup = g.ordergroup


2) CASE WHEN h.ordergroup IS NOT NULL THEN g.nofOrdersPerGroup ELSE 1 END AS nof_orders_per_group

new CaseBuilder()

Concerning query construction, joins work different from JPA

Querydsl JPA

query.join(entity.property, reference)

Querydsl SQL


or alternatively

query.join(table.fk, otherTable)