Oracle SQL Developer is a free and fully supported graphical tool for Oracle database development.
Trying to generate an explain plan in SQL Developer, the program puts up a message box with title "failed to …
database oracle oracle-sqldeveloper sql-execution-planI am trying to connect from Sql Develper to Sql Server 2012, with jTDS connector jtds-1.3.1.jar. OS: Ubuntu 14.04 Java: ~$ java …
sql-server sql-server-2012 oracle-sqldeveloper jtdsI need to connect Oracle DB and run scripts in Python but not sure how to do it. I currently …
python-3.x oracle-sqldeveloper pypyodbcis it possible, to open the Oracle SQL Developer 4 from command-line with parameters (e.g. Connectstring, SID, Host, user, password, ...)? …
sql oracle oracle-sqldeveloper keepassI am having an issue executing this query. SELECT * FROM gob_attachment WHERE CONTAINS (gob_a_document, 'java') > 0 It's …
sql oracle oracle-sqldeveloper oracle-textHere are the details: I installed the oracle instant client from the OTN download page on a windows 7 64 bit vm (…
oracle oracle-sqldeveloper tnsnames ora-12154cannot connect using sql developer. I use the same username and password in sqlPlus and it would allow me to …
oracle oracle-sqldeveloper tnsim trying to create 2 package body's in plsql. This is my code: SET SERVEROUTPUT ON CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE p_…
plsql oracle11g oracle-sqldeveloper pls-00103I am a new user in Oracle. In Oracle SQL Developer, whenever I want to create a new connection and …
oracle oracle-sqldeveloper ora-12560