Top "Oracle-sqldeveloper" questions

Oracle SQL Developer is a free and fully supported graphical tool for Oracle database development.

Difference between EXEC_SQL, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, DBMS_SQL and inline SQL

I've been going over some PL/SQL (In Oracle SQL Developer), and have seen several different formats of SQL being …

oracle plsql oracle-sqldeveloper execute-immediate
Is there a way to find ddl scripts for creating users in Oracle Sql Developer

In Toad, it's easy to look for a ddl script that creates a user with all its grants and roles: …

oracle oracle-sqldeveloper toad
How to create a database diagram with Enterprise Architect and an Oracle database?

I need to create a database diagram in Enterprise Architect. I understand how I can create each table and add …

oracle enterprise-architect oracle-sqldeveloper database-diagramming database-diagram
Error: ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified

I have an OracleXE 11g instance on a remote server machine. Some developers who have Russian Windows 7 SP1 can't connect …

jdbc oracle11g oracle-sqldeveloper oracle-xe
String out of index with SQL developer

I got below message from sql developer when I try to access. I did just nothing special. my connection info …

java mysql oracle-sqldeveloper indexoutofboundsexception
ORA-00911: invalid character in C#, but not Oracle SQL Developer

I have a code line that's throwing an Oracle Exception - ORA-00911: invalid character when trying the following C# code: …

c# sql oracle-sqldeveloper ora-00911
Oracle: How to round and update all numbers in a table?

I have a table with several columns, with DATA_TYPE FLOAT, NUMBER. There are whole numbers and decimal digits with …

sql database oracle oracle-sqldeveloper sql-scripts
unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP

I am trying to execute below query in Oracle: SELECT DISTINCT t4.s_studentreference "Student ID", t3.p_surname "Surname", …

oracle oracle-sqldeveloper temp segment tablespace
Migrating Oracle forms and report application from 10g to 12c

We have a oracle forms and reports application build in 10g. We are planning to migrate the application to 12c …

oracle oracle-sqldeveloper oracleforms oraclereports
How to use spool command in sql developer oracle

Dears, I cannot use spool command. It is not working or i am not doing something right. I am trying …

sql oracle oracle-sqldeveloper spool