Oracle SQL Developer is a free and fully supported graphical tool for Oracle database development.
Does SQLDeveloper have a Toad-like tool to copy/clone an Oracle database user? If not, I'll resort to: How to …
oracle toad oracle-sqldeveloperI'm using SQL Developer and I'm trying to save result of a query into the text file using spool command. …
sql oracle-sqldeveloper spoolSo I have a webapp that takes in a string where ID elements are broken up by '-' (e.g. …
sql oracle contains oracle-sqldeveloper ora-00904Some context: I'm setting up an environment to run some Ruby code our Lead wrote to connect to some remote …
oracle oracle-sqldeveloper sqlplus tnsnames tnsThere are many options for editing and writing Stored Procedures in Oracle; what is the best tool for you and …
sql oracle stored-procedures oracle-sqldeveloper toadI am trying to print the value passed to the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE() function to the DBMS_OUTPUT screen …
plsql oracle-sqldeveloper dbms-outputI have more than 1 million insert queries to be executed in Oracle SQL Developer, which takes a lot of time. …
sql oracle oracle-sqldeveloper sql-scriptsMy database is: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit The company just gave me a new desktop with …
oracle-sqldeveloper dbms-outputI'm having a bit of trouble figuring out why I'm having this problem. This code works exactly how it should. …
sql oracle sql-order-by oracle-sqldeveloper union-allI use sql-developer to connect to several different oracle databases with several different users. The connection info is kept in …
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