PLS-00103 is an error message in Oracle, which points to a wrong symbol in the query: Encountered the symbol "$symbol" when expecting one of the following:
What is the problem with this package as it is giving an error? CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE PKG_SHOW_CUST_…
oracle pls-00103I am writing an oracle package using Oracle sql developer, I got this compile error: Error(7,1): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "…
oracle plsql pls-00103I'm trying to create a user defined function in Oracle that will return a DATE when given a text argument …
oracle function plsql user-defined-functions pls-00103I receive the following error when I compile this function: Compilation errors for PROCEDURE INV.USP_MSC_MODIFICA_ESTADO Error: …
oracle syntax plsql compiler-errors pls-00103I have 2 servers (one for testing, one for production), both have the following Oracle packages (identical output on both of …
oracle plsql pls-00103I'm quite new to PL/SQL, and am using Oracle SQL Developer to write a procedure which uses a sequence …
oracle plsql pls-00103im trying to create 2 package body's in plsql. This is my code: SET SERVEROUTPUT ON CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE p_…
plsql oracle11g oracle-sqldeveloper pls-00103