Top "Option" questions


Convert Option to Either in Scala

Suppose I need to convert Option[Int] to Either[String, Int] in Scala. I'd like to do it like this: …

scala type-conversion option either
Why Some(null) isn't considered None?

I am curious: scala> Some(null) == None res10: Boolean = false Why isn't Some(null) transformed to None?

scala null option
How to call scala's Option constructors from Java

I am working on a mixed java/scala project, and I am trying to call a scala object's method from …

java eclipse scala option
A better way to test the value of an Option?

I often find myself with an Option[T] for some type T and wish to test the value of the …

scala option code-readability
Struts: HTML Option Selected?

In struts, it seems there is no "selected" option. The HTML option tag has a selected attribute such that you …

html struts option selected
How to find select option position?

I'm trying to find an option's index. For example, I would like to get 1 when I run the following fake …

jquery indexing option
Flot chart title option?

Does Flot have an option that can be set to give the chart a title? I'm not seeing one for …

graph charts title option flot
set selected attribute of html option element within select based on outer for-each index

The title sounds much more complex than the problem really is: I have been trying to put things together by …

xslt select foreach option value-of
Vim plugin for 'auto-closed' parenthesis?

I've searched near and far, and not found a plugin that can simply auto-close a set of parenthesis like Textmate. …

vim plugins option parentheses
Add a custom option to a quote item (product in the cart)?

I'm running Magento 1.7. I'm trying to add a quote item option, a custom one, in sales_flat_quote_item_option. …

magento option product quote