Top "Option" questions


jQuery: find the <optgroup> for a selected value in a <select> element

I have a dropdown menu with different option groups. If someone selects an option, how can I check which optgroup …

javascript jquery html option
Rails form (select/option) - how to mark selected option with HAML?

What's the quickest and most elegant way to mark currently selected option value in the form in HAML? %form{:action =&…

ruby-on-rails forms select haml option
How to find an option tag with a specific value using jQuery

I'm trying to set an option with a specific value as selected (using jQuery). I've got a string: var data = …

jquery find option selected
Scala case class update value

I have a case class with 2 String members. I would like to update The second member later, so first I …

scala option case-class
Select next option with jQuery

I'm trying to create a button that can select next option. So, i have a select (id=selectionChamp) with several …

javascript jquery option next
Show/Hide <select> dropdown, with jQuery, based on value

I'm trying to build a custom dropdownlist which show/hide a second set of dropdowns based on it's selection. I …

jquery select drop-down-menu option show-hide
jQuery: add an <option> to a <select>

When I attempt to add an option to a select, the option I’m trying to append ends up appended …

javascript jquery option html-select
Same option menu in all Activities in Android

I have 10-15 activities in my project. I want to have the option menu mostly in all Activities. Then is …

android menu option
Symfony2 change field options of an embedded form

My question basically is, is it possible to change an option of a field of an embedded for from the …

forms symfony option
How do I check if no option is selected in a selectbox using jQuery?

I am trying to see if an option was selected in a selectbox and if not, I want it to …

jquery option drop-down-menu