Top "Value-of" questions

Override valueof() and toString() in Java enum

The values in my enum are words that need to have spaces in them, but enums can't have spaces in …

java enums overriding tostring value-of
Differences between new Integer(123), Integer.valueOf(123) and just 123

Recenlty I saw code (Java) like this: myMethod(new Integer(123)); I am currently refactoring some code, and there is a …

java integer new-operator value-of
How can i insert timestamp with timezone in postgresql with prepared statement?

I am trying to insert to a timestamp with timezone field of my DB a string which includes date, time …

postgresql timestamp prepared-statement timestamp-with-timezone value-of
Basic XML/XSLT - value-of when there are multiple elements of the same name

When I'm getting the value of an element which is used multiple times in the same parent element, I'd like …

xml xslt foreach value-of
Retrieve all the attribute values from XML using XSLT

I can't figure out how to access all the attributes in a tag from an XML document. Let's say I …

xml xslt value-of
What does line.split(",")[1] mean [Java]?

I came across code where i had encountered with Double.valueOf(line.split(",")[1]) I am familiar with Double.valueOf() and …

java string double value-of
xsl:value-of used as xsl:element name

I have an incoming XML file with a list structure: <list> <listItem> <name>elementOne&…

xml templates xslt value-of
Java - enum valueOf "override" naming convention

Say you have the following enum: public enum Color { RED("R"), GREEN("G"), BLUE("B"); private String shortName; private Color(…

java enums naming-conventions value-of
Where does the Enum.valueOf(String) method come from?

In Java SE 7 (and most probably in previous versions) the Enum class is declared like this: public abstract class Enum&…

java compiler-construction enums value-of
set selected attribute of html option element within select based on outer for-each index

The title sounds much more complex than the problem really is: I have been trying to put things together by …

xslt select foreach option value-of