Top "Opencl" questions

OpenCL (Open Computing Language) is a framework for writing programs that execute across heterogeneous platforms consisting of CPUs, GPUs, and other processors.

Are either the IPad or IPhone capable of OpenCL?

With the push towards multimedia enabled mobile devices this seems like a logical way to boost performance on these platforms, …

iphone ipad opencl
Number of Compute Units corresponding to the number of work groups

I need some clarification. I'm developing OpenCL on my laptop running a small nvidia GPU (310M). When I query the …

opencl nvidia simd
openacc vs openmp & mpi differences ?

I was wondering what are the major differences between openacc and openmp. What about MPI, cuda and opencl ? I understand …

cuda opencl mpi openmp openacc
Work Group Sizes

For a given Kernel, why are work_groups of always the same size? I read somewhere (for the case in …

opencl workgroup

when I change the work group size from 16 to 32 or something bigger I get an CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE …

Using Python+Theano with OpenCL in an AMD GPU

I'm trying to use Python with Theano to accelerate some code with OpenCL. I installed libgpuarray and pygpu as instructed (…

python opencl theano
Why did Google choose RenderScript instead of OpenCL

I've been wondering if it was possible to use OpenCL for Android, find out that it wasn't possible, and dropped …

android opencl renderscript
OpenCL: work group concept

I don't really understand the purpose of Work-Groups in OpenCL. I understand that they are a group of Work Items (…

parallel-processing opencl
How to read UMat from a file in opencv 3.0 Beta?

I want to use UMat so my code can be run on both GPU and CPU using OpenCL (OpenCV 3.0.0 Beta). …

c++ opencv opencl
How many threads (or work-item) can run at the same time?

I'm new in GPGPU programming and I'm working with NVIDIA implementation of OpenCL. My question was how to compute the …

opencl gpgpu